// Project Name: Bouncing Ball
// Author: Matthew Weathers
// Modified by: 
// Date  : 14-Oct-2004

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "graphics2.h"

using namespace std;

#define ESC 0x1b

void main() 
	srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));  // Seed the random number generator
	int GraphDriver=0,GraphMode=0;
	initgraph( &GraphDriver, &GraphMode, "", 800, 600 ); // Start Window
	char tempstring[80]="unused";

	//Variable Declarations

	bool KeepGoing=true;
	char KeyPressed;

	float ballX, ballY;
	float prevX, prevY;
	float XVel, YVel;

	// Initial Position
	ballX = 100.0;
	ballY = 40.0;

	// Initial Velocity
	XVel = 4.0;
	YVel = 5.0;

	//Main Loop
	while ( KeepGoing ) {

		delay( 50 );

		// Remember previous position
		prevX = ballX;
		prevY = ballY;

		// Move the ball (Add Velocity to Position)
		ballX += XVel;
		ballY += YVel;

		// Erase old Ball
		circle( prevX, prevY, 20);

		// Draw New ball
		circle( ballX, ballY, 20);

		// Bounch off left/right walls
		if ( ballX > 770  || ballX < 30) {
			XVel *= -1.0;

		// Bounch off top/bottom walls
		if ( ballY > 570  || ballY < 30) {
			YVel *= -1.0;

		// Check to see if a key has been pressed
		if (kbhit()) {
			KeyPressed = getch();

			if (KeyPressed == 'q') {  // q - quit
				KeepGoing = false;

		}//end if kbhit()

	} // end while kbhit

	//getch(); //Wait for a key. (When main function ends, the window will close)
} //end of main()