A Heaps is a complete binary tree satisfying the heap property.
A binary tree is completely full if it is of height, h, and has 2h+1-1 nodes.
A binary tree of height, h, is complete iff
A complete tree is filled from the left:
A complete binary tree has the heap property iff
A heap can be used as a priority queue: the highest priority item is at the root and is trivially extracted. But if the root is deleted, we are left with two sub-trees and we must efficiently re-create a single tree with the heap property.
The value of the heap structure is that we can both extract the highest priority item and insert a new one in O(logn) time.
How do we do this?
Let's start with this heap. A deletion will remove the T |
To work out how we're going to maintain the heap property, use the fact that a complete tree is filled from the left. So that the position which must become empty is the one occupied by the M. Put it in the vacant root position. |
This has violated the condition that the root must be greater than each of its children. So interchange the M with the larger of its children. |
The left subtree has now lost the heap property. So again interchange the M with the larger of its children. |
This tree is now a heap again, so we're finished.
We need to make at most h interchanges of a root of a subtree with one of its children to fully restore the heap property. Thus deletion from a heap is O(h) or O(logn).
To add an item to a heap, we follow the reverse procedure. Place it in the next leaf position and move it up. Again, we require O(h) or O(logn) exchanges. |