

// File: figuresTest.cpp


// main() :Main program to illustrate the use of figure class





#include <iostream>


using namespace std;



#include "figure.h"


#include "circle.h"


#include "square.h"


#include "rectangle.h"



#include <vector>


// Functions called  . . .


// Get the type of figure


figure* getFigure( );                  // create and return a pointer to a figure object




// Process one figure


void processFigure (figure * ptrFigure);    // fig:  figure to be processed




int main ( )


     vector <figure*> figureVector;


     bool isInservice = true;


     while (isInservice)


          figure* myFig;      // a pointer to a figure

          cout << endl

               << "*************************************" << endl

               << " a: Add one figure " << endl

               << " d: display all figures " << endl

               << "*************************************" << endl;

          char option;

          cin >> option;


          if (option == 'a' )


              myFig = getFigure ( );

              processFigure (myFig) ;



          else if (option == 'd' )


              for (int i=0; i < figureVector.size(); i++)


                   cout << "*************************************" << endl;

                   figureVector[i]->displayFig() ;


              cout << "*************************************" << endl;





              cout << "??? Unkown option " << endl;




     return 0 ;








// Also in File: figuresTest.cpp


// void processFigure(figures fig): Process one figure




void processFigure(figure * fig)  // fig: The figure to be processed



     cout << "read Figure: " << endl;

     fig->readFigure( );           // get characteristics of figure


     cout << "Computer area: " << endl;

     fig->computeArea( );        // compute its area


     cout << "Computer perimeter: " << endl;

     fig->computePerim( );        // compute its perimeter


     cout << "Display: " << endl;

     fig->displayFig( );                        // display characteristics










// Also in File: figuresTest.cpp


// figure* getFigure ( ): Process one figure




figure* getFigure ( )




     // local data


     char figChar;   // character indicating figure type


     cout << "Enter the kind. of object" << endl;


     cout << "Enter C(Circle), R(Rectangle), or S(Square)" << endl;


     cin >> figChar;


     switch (figChar)


          case 'C' : case 'c' :


              return new circle;


          case 'R': case 'r':


              return new rectangle;


          case 'S': case 's':


              return new square;


          case 'X' : case 'x' :


              return 0;


     } // end switch



}// end getFigure