

// File: circle .h


// Definition for the class circle




#ifndef CIRCLE_H


#define CIRCLE_H


#include "figure.h"


class circle : public figure // a circle is a figure




 // Overriding member functions (unique for circles)




// Read a circle

void readFigure ( ) ;


// Compute the area of a circle

void computeArea ( ) ;


// Compute the perimeter of a circle

void computePerim( );


// Display characteristics unique to circle s

void displayFig( );



// Data members (unique to circles)   . . .




float radius;




#endif     // CIRCLE_H








// File: circle.cpp

// Implementation of the class circle




#include <iostream>


using namespace std;


#include "circle.h"


const float pi = 3.1415927;




// Read data unique to a circle

void circle::readFigure( )

{        cout <<  "Enter radius : ";


         cin >>  radius;





// Compute the perimeter (circumference) of a circle

void circle::computePerim( )

{  perimeter = 2.0 * pi * radius;




// Compute the area of a circle

void circle:: computeArea ( )


{  area = pi * radius * radius;




// Display the characteristics of a circle

void circle::displayFig( )


     // Display the type of figure and its radius.

     cout << "Figure Shape is Circle"<< endl;

     cout << "Radius is " << radius << endl;



     // Call the corresponding function

     // in the base cass to display the commoncharacteristics.


