
#include <iostream>     //inclusion of support for doing input & output

#include <string>       //inclusion of support of the string class

#include <vector>       //inclusion of support of the vector class

using namespace std;    //declare access to standard stuff like cin, cout





//    Base class declaration


class baseClass

{     public:

            baseClass(string name="ANONYMOUS");


            virtual ~baseClass();   //What is the effect of virtual??

            //~baseClass();               //What happens if no virtual??


            virtual void output();  //What is the effect of virtual??

            //void output();        //What happens if no virtual??


            static int count;



            string baseName;





//    Base class implementation




int baseClass::count = 0;


baseClass::baseClass(string name)


      baseName = name;


      cout  << endl

                  << baseName

                  << ", a new baseClass object is CONSTRUCTED."

                  << endl << "Now "

                  << count << " baseClass objects in total."

                  << endl << endl;






      cout  << endl

                  << baseName

                  << ", a baseClass object is DESTRUCTED."

                  << endl << "Now "

                  << count << " baseClass class objects in total."

                  << endl << endl;



void baseClass::output()


      cout << endl << "Hello! I am " << baseName << ", a baseClass object " << endl;










//    Child class A declaration



class childClassA:public baseClass



      childClassA(string name);


      void output();

      static int count;



      string childName;






//    Child class A implementation


int childClassA::count = 0;


childClassA::childClassA(string name)


      childName = name;


      cout  << endl

                  << childName

                  << ", a new childClassA object is CONSTRUCTED."

                  << endl << "Now "

                  << count << " childClassA objects in total."

                  << endl << endl;






      cout  << endl

                  << childName

                  << ", a childClassA object is DESTRUCTED."

                  << endl << "Now "

                  << count << " childClassA objects in total."

                  << endl << endl;



void childClassA::output()


      cout << endl << "Hello! I am " << childName << ", a childClassA object. " << endl

            << "I am also a baseClass object: ";








//    Child class B declaration



class childClassB:public baseClass



      childClassB(string name);


      void output();

      static int count;



      string childName;






//    Child class B implementation


int childClassB::count = 0;


childClassB::childClassB(string name)


      childName = name;


      cout  << endl

                  << childName

                  << ", a new childClassB object is CONSTRUCTED."

                  << endl << "Now "

                  << count << " childClassB objects in total."

                  << endl << endl;






      cout  << endl

                  << childName

                  << ", a chilClassB object is DESTRUCTED."

                  << endl << "Now "

                  << count << " childClassB objects in total."

                  << endl << endl;



void childClassB::output()


      cout << endl << "Hello! I am " << childName << ", a childClassB object. " << endl

           << "I am also a baseClass object: ";








//    A simple waiting function


void wait()

{     char ch;

      cout << endl << "******************************************************" << endl;

      cout << "Press c to continue" << endl;

      cin >> ch;







//    The test function


void test()




     //Observe the implicit calls to constructors of the base and the child classes


      baseClass jacob("JACOB");


      childClassA joseph("JOSEPH");


      childClassB benjamin("BENJAMIN");





     //Observe (i) the implicit calls to constructors of the base and the child classes

      //        (ii) basePtrVector as a vector of polymorphic pointers after type cast


vector<baseClass *> basePtrVector;


basePtrVector.push_back( (baseClass *) new childClassB("TIMOTHY") );



basePtrVector.push_back( (baseClass *) new childClassA("PAUL")          );



basePtrVector.push_back( (baseClass *) new childClassB("TITUS")         );





      //Observe and think about the effects of polymorphism and dynamic method binding here


      for ( vector<baseClass *>::iterator i=basePtrVector.begin();

                  i < basePtrVector.end();



      {     (*i)->output();








//Observe the implicit calls to the destructors of the base and the child classes


      delete basePtrVector[0];





      //Think about the issue of memory leak here. Is there a memory leak at this pont.





      cout <<  "... time spent in basePtrVector.clear() ..."  <<  endl;







//     The main function just call the test function


int  main()



      cout << "This is the end of the call to the test function." << endl;


     //Observe the implicit calls to the destructors of the base and the child classes

      //Also think about the issue of memory leak here again.





      cout << "This is the end of the main function." << endl;

      return 0;
