Algorithms and Complexity


#1. Finding the kth smallest number

Input: a set X of n distinct numbers and a number k, 1£k£n.

Output: Find a number x in X such that x is larger than exactly k-1 elements in X.


#2. Finding an optimal service route through all edges

Input: A weighted graph G=(V,E) modeling the map of a city. V is the set of vertices modeling the intersections of streets. E is the set of edges modeling segments of streets. An edge models a segment of a street between two insections where there is no other intersection between these two intersection. Each edge is associated with a weight modeling the length of the corresponding street segment.  

Output: Find the shortest tour (traversal through a sequence of edges) of G starting from a vertex visiting each edge at least once and in the end returning to the starting vertex.

Application: Suppose you are given the map of a city and charged with designing the routes for garbage trucks, snow plows, or postmen. In all of these applications, every road in the city must be completely traversed at least once in order to ensure that all deliveries or pickups are made.   For efficiency, you seek to minimize total drive time, or equivalently, the total distance or number of edges traversed.


#3. Finding an optimal service route visiting every vertex exactly once

Problem Output|Problem Output

INPUT                    OUTPUT

Input: A weighted graph G=(V,E) as described in the previous problem.

Output: Find the shortest tour (traversal through a sequence of edges) starting from a vextex visiting all of the vertices of G exactly once and in the end returning to the starting vertex.


#4. Determine whether a program will finished after a finite number of steps

Input: the source code of a valid program (say, written in C++) that requires no input from the user when it is run.

Output: Determine whether the program given unlimited memory space for its use will run to finish after a finite number of steps.