Programming Languages
CSCI 230, Fall semester, 2016
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Instructor: Dr. Shieu-Hong Lin
Time: Tue/Thurs. 12:00~1:15 Location:
LIB 141
Office Hours:
8:30am~10:30am, MW
11:30~1:00pm Math & CS department at
Grove 8
Contact Dr. Lin to set up an
appointment in advance
Grading TAs: Garrett Stevenson and David Ramos
TAs for TA hours: Alvin Suh, William Tan
TA hours: T Th 1:00~4:00pm
Textbooks (required)
Submission of all your work: go to Biola Canvas
Your grades: see them under Biola Canvas
The submission link remains open for 2 more days after the due date as a
grace period, but 1 point will be
deducted for late submission after the due date while the submission link is
still open.
· You will receive no points after the submission link on canvas is
closed unless it is
something like a serious health issue with statements from the doctor as proof.
Week 1: Introduction to programming languages
Reading #1 (Basic Types in C++)
due: Thursday Sept. 1
- Read Chapter 2 of C++ Primer on basic types in C++ and browse this
Wikipedia article on data
- Read the syntax document of the
BIOLA programming language, study this sample source program prime.txt written in
BIOLA to probe for prime numbers, download and unzip this zip
file it to play an interpreter (which can execute source programs
written in the Biola language), use it to run
the code in prime.txt.
See the snapshots of the loading and running
of prime.txt and the syntax
tree of prime.txt generated by the interpreter.
- Submission:
Send in your reading report through Biola Canvas.
Lab #0: Due: Thursday Sept. 1
- Modify the program shown in prime.txt to accomplish the following things
using the Biola language: (i)
Implement an additional function findNthPrime(n) such that it will return the nth prime number given an integer n > 0 when it is called. (ii)
Modify the main function such that it will repeatedly ask the use to enter
a positive integer value for n and
then display the nth prime
number on the screen if n is
positive. The main function should repeatedly check and ask the use to
reenter a value for n (if the
users enter a non-positive integer value for n) until a positive integer value is entered.
- You can choose
to edit the source program either using notepad or just use the primitive Biola interpreter programming environment in Reading
#1. But at least in the end, you must run your program using the Biola interpreter to make sure it does work.
- Submission:
Submit your source code in a txt file together with the self-evaluation
report through Biola Canvas.
TA hours: T Th 1:00~4:00pm (Alvin
Suh, William Tan), MATH/CS Alcove lab
· Our official C++ compiler version is Microsoft
Visual C++ 2013 Express Edition (instead of the Visual studio 2015 version)
on Windows platforms is. You can download, install, and register Microsoft
Visual C++ 2013 Express Edition for free.
· Semester Project: Biola Interpreter Project.
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