Programming Languages

CSCI 230, Fall semester, 2016


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Instructor: Dr. Shieu-Hong Lin          Time:  Tue/Thurs. 12:00~1:15          Location: LIB 141


Office Hours:

M~Th 8:30am~10:30am, MW 11:30~1:00pm Math & CS department at Grove 8

Contact Dr. Lin to set up an appointment in advance


Grading TAs: Garrett Stevenson and David Ramos 


TAs for TA hours: Alvin Suh, William Tan

TA  hours:  T  Th 1:00~4:00pm


Syllabus: compact version.                                                      


Textbooks (required)





Links to useful online references



Submission of all your work: go to Biola Canvas

Your grades: see them under Biola Canvas


Late policy:

·       The submission link remains open for 2 more days after the due date as a grace period, but 1 point will be deducted for late submission after the due date while the submission link is still open.

·       You will receive no points after the submission link on canvas is closed unless it is something like a serious health issue with statements from the doctor as proof.



Week 1: Introduction to programming languages


Reading #1 (Basic Types in C++) due: Thursday Sept. 1



Lab #0: Due: Thursday Sept. 1




TA hours:  T Th 1:00~4:00pm (Alvin Suh, William Tan), MATH/CS Alcove lab




·       Our official C++ compiler version is Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Express Edition (instead of the Visual studio 2015 version) on Windows platforms is. You can download, install, and register Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Express Edition for free.

·       Semester Project: Biola Interpreter Project.





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